Sunday, August 2, 2009

part 20 ;**


“yalla let’s get a move on” “we’re racing” “who is?” I asked “we are” 7amad answered me….

“5aled told me about the race you won and he never got over it” I looked over at 5aled “oh really?......unfortunatly I’m the undefeated champ and I’ll remain that way” they both laughed “laugh now but you’ll be sorry” I told both of them and again they cracked up at me….

We left their chalet premises and we went to the area 5aled took me 3 years ago….it looked so different at night…. The sea glistened in the night and the moon shone bright on the white surface of the ground… it was still dangerously beautiful….

“I can’t get enough of this place… it keeps getting more beautiful everytime” “you’re right” 7amad agreed staring at me…and so was 5aled…

“yalla…prepare yourselves to cry” “I'd like to see you try” 5aled challenged me…..
ya rab afooz ya rab….. inshala afooz…inshala 7amad was looking at me with a smile…I blushed

We lined ourselves next to eachother and prepared for the race….yarab afooz….

“yalla…..3….” my heart was racing ahead of me…I will win….I know I will… “2…..” I’m so nervous….mo wagta!! I WILL WIN! “…1!!!!!”

We raced…. SHIT I WAS LAST!! NO WAY!!....5aled was infront of me and 7amad passed him…..I WON’T LOSE….

I was gaining on 5aled…we were neck to neck and 7amad was in the lead…
5aled kept looking at me… I kept my eye on the goal….I WILL WIN!

I felt myself pass 5aled but he gained on me and passed me….I was last again…I WILL NOT LOSE!! I WILL WIN THIS RACE AND ALL THE RACES TO COME!!...

I pushed myself again to my limits…

I gained on 5aled and I passed him… I gained on 7amed….we were neck to neck again… this
time all he’ll see is the back of buggy!!....

I managed to pass him a bit but he passed me entirely…I was now neck to neck with 5aled again ….

I passed 5aled and gained on 7amad again…. I barely passed him but he caught up with me again….DAMN….I WILL WIN THIS!!...

I focused all my thoughts and strength on the race and I was in it 100%....
NO WAY WILL I LOSE…we were next to each other racing to win….

5aled was still behind us….he caught up with us and we were all racing to the finish line….
SHIT they were passing me…NO WAY IN HELL!!...I gained on them and I passed them…..did I pass them???.....

my speed was increasing and I was alone ….none of them were near me….did they pass me?!!!! Was I last???.... I kept my eye on the finish line and I flew to it…..

I reached the finish line….did I win?… I was about to turn when I saw 7amad and 5aled flying by me….YES!! I WON!!

“WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I saw them turn around and drive towards me…

I did a silly happy dance on my buggy…none of them said a word...they both stared in amazement…well I guess it was amazement….
“what did I tell you??..what did I tell you??....LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THE UNDEFEATED CHAMP!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” raising both my arms above me…

They were silent staring and it freaked me out a bit….

“what? You’re freaking me out” I asked …. “you’re freaking us out!” “excuse me?” I asked confused “what the hell was that?” “what??” okay now I’m really confused….
"Since when did you drive like that?" I shrugged my shoulders

“ You won?!!” “yeah?” “she won... she won?!”
“no matter how many ways you say it …it’s still the same” “anything else we need to know about you?” “well….I’m starving” they both smiled and the awkwardness drifted away …

“mc donalds?” “YES!” they laughed at me… I don’t care I was hungry….

We drove back to the chalet and 7amad offered to get the food for us but we wanted to eat there….


  1. shoofay mcdonald guy isma mcdonald 3ashan he is always in the ma63am mcdonald so he has to be there please!!:P
    loved the post
    loving the story so far!
    next post please!!:*;p

  2. identity: you'll see mcdonalds guy but after a few posts....
    working on the next post and i'll be posting soon
    love you ;*
