Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blind Love 56

I won't apologize for taking so long to post, i have my reasons but to make it up to u guys i'll post today and 2mrw, i might be able to post again on thursday but it's not a sure thing..Love u guys for being so patient and i'm sorry that i didn't get the chance to reply back to all ur amazing comments...anyways don't want to take too long over here...ENJOY!



i grabbed my keys and was about to leave when i heard her call me...


i could hear the loneliness in her voice and it just killed me...

was i so selfish that i only thought about what i wanted instead of what she needed?...

i’m glad i pushed her to go...if this happens for her...if she gets her sight back i get my Lulu back...

i looked at the big picture...A possibility that Lulu won’t be Blind anymore...

“I’m here...ya3nii wain baroo7 bdoonich?”

“*giggle* ee 3abalii ba3ad”

i know how far she’s come to get here...if it was 2 months back she’d probably still be in her room refusing to let anyone in other than her mother and juicy....

my only fear is if this attempt fails...will she relapse to the way she was?..


As 9ali7 stormed out the living room, he knew why he got so upset...he knew it wasn’t just the attitude...it was the person he’s losing...

3bdala walked behind him after he said his goodbyes...

“9wail7! la7tha la7tha...”

he turned to face him...3bdala could tell how much 9ali7 was struggling but he couldn’t understand why...why couldn’t he just go up to joury and talk to her...they seemed close...

9ali7 stood their facing his closest friend with tired eyes..so silent waiting for a solution, anything...

“emsh weyay”

9ali7 didn’t mind...he was desperate for anything to get his mind off Joury...His Joury..

As he walked towards 3bdala’s car, she haunted him...he was in pain and she had no idea...he’s falling apart while she was perfectly fine...

they went for a ride as 3bdala waited patiently for 9ali7’s side of the story....

“btgoolii shfeek wala shlon?”

“mafeeni shay yam3wad, emsh starbucks”

“laaah e7lf ya3nii shayfni ‘3abi wana madri? gooli shmsawyatlk joury”

“Eyani weyak tyeeb 6areeha 3ala lsank!” he defensively raised his voice all protective...forgetting this is 3bdala...

3bdala remained quiet he knew where 9ali7 was coming from...he waited for him to calm down..

“ *sigh* 3bood malii 5ilq..latyeeb 6areehaa tkfaa”

“ mashy bas ana mawjood...”

silence settled between them...

just as 3bdala was about to park his phone rang..and it was an unknown number...


“alooo 3bdala elflani? *dala3*”

“ee na3am mno ma3ay?”

“..mmm wa7da *dala3*”

just then 3bdala turned to 9ali7 who was looking at him devilishly...

“5al9eenii mno oo shtabeen?”

“...mmm abeek enta *dala3*”

“ya 3ami roo7ay zain” he closed his phone as 9ali7 kept looking at him from the corner of his eyes..

“msawy shay ‘3ala6 3ashan e6al3ni chithy??”

“laa? 3alaina yal3bood? mno sa3eedat el7ath elly mta9la?”

“shdaranii... a5er zman elbnat yt7arashon fil ryayeel”

“laa yuba*teasing* goooli shsalftk”

“ba3ad elbnt mu3jaba feeni sh7ark?*smirk*”

“iglb wayhk, ent shayf roo7k 3ala shno?...*chuckle*”

“kil hatha oo mashoof roo7ii?? *smirk*”

They flat out laughed...

“walla bnat hal zman *shaking his head in disapproval*”

“ee walla...*sigh*”

They got out and entered Starbucks...

just as they were about to enter a group of girls made their way out..

one was holding her huge pile of books while fixing her headscarf (shaila/7jab), she didn’t really pay attention to who was in front of her until she almost bumped right into him if it wasn’t for her friend who pulled her aside...

“***GGGAAAASSSPPP***” she looked up at 9ali7 as he looked down at her frightened face...

he couldn’t help but smile...


she quickly went around him as her face turned into shades of pink...

“fashlaa *whispering*”

“ee ba3ad 3amya matshoofeen rayal sh6oola oo sh3rtha!”

I’ve seen her before...9ali7 thought he just couldn’t pin point where...

3bdala and 9ali7 enjoyed their cup of coffee as each discussed something that had nothing to do with what was really occupying their thoughts... 3bdala had lulu in his mind while 9ali7 was counting down the hours where Joury would no longer be part of his future...

Joury sat with juicy on the floor helping her pack things for Lulu flight tomorrow as lulu sat on the bed rethinking the whole trip, why tomorrow? why couldn’t i just come with joury 4 days from now..atleast i’ll be here when she gets engaged, she wondered silently

“I’m packing you a dress lulu!”

“i’m not going to wear”

“no Buts! it’s beautiful and u’ll wear it!”

“Joury, I don’t think”

“You’ll wear it ya3ni you’ll wear it!”

“Waay joury!!! that’s not what i was going to say!”

“bsmla a39abich”

“*sigh* Joury, i have a bad feeling about this,”

Joury felt tensed, what was she suppose to say..this trip has it’s risks on lulu both good and bad..

“waaaih mako shay!” she quickly replied trying to reassure lulu..

“enzain laish masafr weych! laish msta3yleen?!!”

“Lulu stop asking so many questions and enjoy this!! we always wanted a spontaneous trip to europe

*jumping on bed next to lulu* Live a little will u!?!”


Joury went back to packing with juicy as Lulu laid back on the bed, wondering how the trip is going to be like with just the boys and her...awkward is what she thought...
