Wednesday, July 22, 2009

part 7 ;**


We went straight to their garage where they kept the buggies…it was huge and dark…I hated scared me..
“shfeech Dalool?...stop grabbing me so hard..hahah.. Dalool mu gadra amshey…”
At that exact moment the lights were on and we were nowhere near a wall and so I screamed like the true coward I was….
We turned around and saw him near the wall with an eye brow raised chewing a gum..
“*cleared his throught*….Fajoor shga3d itsawoon?..” “waay 7amood 5ara3tna!!...walashay bes ibna5th ilbuggies…”
“ahha..intay oo……..?” looking at me “ Dalal” I answered him before Fajoor did…ugh he annoys me!!
“wain ry7eeen??..” SHAKO? But he was her brother so I’ll let it pass “madree…nitmasha ishwaya fil buggies 7amood shfeek??” “laa..wala shay… inzain shasawy itha 9ar shay fi ilbuggy??...”
“mara7 e9eer shay fil buggy!!...” “witha 9ar shay??” he looked at me…IS THERE SOMETHING WRITTEN ON MY FOREHEAD?!!!
“mara7 i9eer shay…lat 5af..” I said it with confidence “itha 9ar shay I’ll give you my buggy…” “3indich buggy?...”
“ee..3indaha buggy bas i5t’ha Dayoom is using it so we’re taking these buggies…shfeek 7amood??!!” “mafeeny shay…inzain intay o0..?” pretending to be forgetful MEDA YENSA ISMEY?? UGH!! “DALAL!”“deerbalkom 3ala il buggies…hehehe” waaay amla8!!..
“inta shga3d itsawy ihnee?” Fajoor asked him “yay a5th il jet ski…yalla bye..” he left us and we pushed the buggies outside … and drove’em over to my chalet…Dayoom saw us and came over to us on the buggy..
“6awaltoo…yalla let’s get a move on…” “yalla…” we drove out the chalet and drove on the side of the road behind eachother…I was behind Fajoor and Dayoom was behind me…we found an open area and decided to have fun there…
After an hour I swapped buggies with Dayoom…I missed my baby…
We decided to race and so we were side by side…. “3….2…..1!!!!!!” shouted Fajoor….we raced and I was winning!!!! For some reason they were slowing down…



As we were racing Dalool was ahead of me and Fajoor…. and I was LAST!! We were still in the race when Fajoor and I started to slow down ….it was getting bumpier and there were hills and slopes…I was terrified ‘cause Dalool was getting further and further away and I don’t think she realized that we slowed down..
“DALOOOOL!!!!.....DALOOOOL!!!” I yelled hoping she’ll stop and turn around…it all happened so fast…

Dalool looked back at us and just like that the left side of her buggy rose off the ground and she along with the buggy fell down the hill…......"DALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!!!!!!!!!"
I saw my sister roll down the hill in a buggy..........…
my heart stopped beating.

I drove as fast as I could to get to her…..the buggy was on top of her right leg and she was laying on the sand her hair on her face….is she dead?? That was all I was thinking about….I ran down the hill and got to her side …

“Dalool ?!!.....Dalal?!....Dalool please…” I slowly moved her hair away from her face….
“ Dalal ??.. Dalal?...” I whispered in her ear..she didn’t move….she didn’t moan…she didn’t respond…..
“aloo…..7amad..please *sniff* please ta3al….Dalool…Dalool mit3awra….” I heard her give him directions on where we were …

7amad and 5aled arrived shortly after the phone call in 7amad’s black yukon…..they quickly came down the hill to help us….

I was crying at this sister was on the ground unconscious and all I could do was cry….

Fajoor’s brother 5aled calmed me down while 7amad checked Dalool’s pulse…

7amad and 5aled lifted our buggy off Dalool and 5aled called her again…still no response…

I then saw 7amad slap my sister hard…. I waited to see if she’ll react and I heard her moan….and she slowly opened her eye lids…5aled placed his hand under her head…she was clearly out of it…

7amad grabbed her arm and lifted it over his head and placed his arm under her head and his other arm under her knees and he lifted her off the ground….5aled opened the back door of 7amad’s black yukon and 7amad placed Dalool on her back inside…
“sim3oony ana bawdeeha il mustashfa …” “noh…noh…” said Dalool in a low but hearable voice…7amad turned around and we saw her trying to get up “ ma feeny shay…walla mafeeny shay…” her voice got louder….it was great to hear her talk…

“ bas a5aleehum echaykon 3alaich…” insisted 7amad.. “echaykon 3ala shino mafeeny shay….” She stepped out of his car but lost her balance and fell…thankfully 5aled caught her…
“Dalool 5aleehum bas echaykooon 3alaich..” I pleaded.. “Dayoom ma feeny shay…I’m just dizzy…..I’m fine now…see…” she circled showing us that her body was sound….

Dalool is stubborn sometimes and when she makes a decision she’ll stick to it …so she obviously wasn’t going to get checked…

7amad whispered something to Fajoor and she nodded in agreement.
“5ala9 mara7 awadeech il mostashfa bes bawa9lich il chalet…our chalet…we have an aid kit and it’ll take care of that cut on your shoulder…”
Dalal looked at her cut … ta3afas wayha 3ogob ma shaft her cut
5aled drove our buggy back...while Fajoor and I drove behind him….thankfully our buggy wasn’t scratched at all…it was dusty but it didn’t have dents.
Dalal was in 7amad’s car as he drove her to the chalet…



I heard Dayoom calling I turned around to look at her and that’s all I remember…I remember my body being pushed in every direction but I didn’t know what was going on…I then felt the pushing and shoving on my body stop…I blacked out after that..

I felt something hard against my cheek and I woke up after that…
I saw light everywhere blinding me…I saw weird shadows hovering my body… I dead??
My vision started to slowly clear up when I felt someone tug on my arm and I felt the ground beneath me disappear..
I was in a car...and I heard him say something about a hospital…. I rejected his idea …I felt better and there was no need to scare my parents…

In the car with Hamad:

I started rubbing my cheek it was burning me…he was SMILING??!!!... a 14 year old girl gets hurt and you smile???
“did you SLAP ME??!!!” I asked remembering the event and confused to why he did that… “yah...well you didn’t respond…” “so you slap me??!!” “it woke you up didn’t it??” he looked at me with victory in his eyes.. I remained silent…

“are you in pain?...” he asked looking concerned “no” I lied my body ached all over… “It’s a good thing I wasn’t on your buggy…” I blurted….he smiled “as long as you’re okay”...... awwww

“I didn’t know you could drive…” “I’m 18 and I just got my license but between you and me….I’ve been driving since I was 14” “aha…I see” “This doesn’t mean you can drive!!” “I wasn’t going to..:@” I gave him an innocent shocked look but I felt like he could see right through me…

“yah we’ll see…” “what’s that suppose to mean??!” “nothing” we were silent after that conversation .

we reached Fajoor’s chalet..HIS chalet…I got out of his car and I saw Fajoor , Dayoom and 5aled entering the chalet on their buggies…Fajoor and Dayoom waved at me and I tried to wave back but “ I !!....”
“shfeech??” “ma feeny shay..haha” my shoulder…my shoulder shot pain up and down my arm …I slowly brought my arm down and tried to lift it again to see if I was in pain…I felt it but it was a lot less intense than the first’s probably just bruised…

I looked at 7amad as motioned me to follow him with his head…I did…
I went to their bathroom and *gasp* OMG!! I was covered in dust …I looked freaky…..I lifted my shirt I had bruises on my sides and on my back…Crap they’re huge…I guess it means I won’t be wearing my bikini any time soon…

“Ahhh Dalal??” “Yes??” I opened the door and he was holding a small box in his hands… “*cleared his throat*We better clean that cut…turn around”
“oh…it’s ok….I’ll do it..” “I better do it to make sure that it’s done properly” WHAT LIKE I’M INCOMPETANT??? I CAN’T CLEAN A SIMPLE CUT??!!!! “what? think I can’t clean a stupid cut??!!!” “I’m not saying that…” I raised both my eyebrows “ I’m saying that the cut is on your shoulder and you won’t be able to clean it well…that’s all...” ugh.. THAT’S ALL...just when I started to like you … “stop being a kid and turn around!!!” he ordered me..."FINE!!” I turned around and he had a cotton ball soaked in something yellowish orange
“Ewww!!…What is that??!!”
“It's to clean your cut…now this might burn a little..” “what??!!” I moved slightly away “lat9ereen yahel..ta3alay” “ana mo yahel!!” he’s getting on my nerves!! “Fine!! intay mu yahel…now stop moving and let me clean your cut!!”…. “whatever..” I muttered under my breath...

“I!! you’re burning me…” “ta7amelay shwaya..” “aaaaaeye!!” “I’m almost done….basich…” he kept dapping the cotton ball on my shoulder… the burning sensation stopped..

“ayyy!!”I said it just to annoy him… “there I’m are you hurt anywhere else??” YES!!! “no” I lied “ I’m going to call your parents and..” “NO!!! “what??” he looked at me shocked.. “Don’t call my parents...please” “why not??” he asked slightly lifting one eyebrow “JUST DON’T!!” “you’re going to have to give me a better explanation…otherwise I’m calling…” WAAAAAY!!! “ugh…I just don’t want to scare them…that’s it...just don’t…I’m fine so there’s no need to tell them” I also didn’t want to get into trouble …

Fajoor,5aled and Dayoom walked in the living room where we were…
“haaa Dalool shlonich il7een??” “fine…you guys didn’t tell my parents, did you?”
“ahh..No?..why did they call??” “no….la yo9al 3indhom okay?!!” they all nodded…I saw Dayoom behind 5alood with her head down…
“Dayoom shfeech?..” I asked concerned..she might’ve told them and I really hope she hasn’t…I saw tears falling down her face and I rushed to her side


  1. i just started reading ur story amizing waitting for the next post =D

  2. hii mawazy ;**
    thanks for ur comment and i'm working on it babe...
