Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blind love info ;*

I'm sorry...

I'm sorry for the bad I caused

I'm sorry for the pain I inflected

I'm sorry for not being there

I'm sorry for being a disappointment

I'm sorry for not being every bit of what you want me to be

I'm sorry it wasn't what i had in mind either

I'm sorry I really am...

tell me life is just life...

tell me that tomorrow is a new day..a new page..

in the words of Bieber:

I close my eyes and i can see a better day

I close my eyes and i pray!!

I pray <3

I had to get that out there somewhere...

Anyways hopefully i'll post the next post within the next couple of days ;** ohh...right i almost forgot ;P

kil 3am wntaw ib 5air ;** HaPpY NeW YeAr ReAdErS!!

so this post is for just letting a part of what i'm feeling out and to ask you guys when do you want blind love to end? what do you think of this story? and if you guys are up for a new story soon?

and a new years resolution is to post more often 7asa feekom oo ma7b lama bloggers e6awloon 3al posts so enshala this year i'll try harder :D i'll try :D


  1. Hiiii welcome back?? Its ok if u end blind love nw but we want a new story :D

  2. wentaaay eb alfff 5aiir
    its good to hear from you
    yallaah cant wait for ur posts
    3asa hal sena tkun kelhaa 5ayyr 3laaiccch ya rab
    oo matshuuufeeen el 7zzzn ;*****


  3. 7abeeeeebtyy entaaay ;*
    happy new year <3
    dont worry life is good ..
    and take ur time ;* we will always be waiting for u <3

    i love u


  4. Happy new year ;*
    i realy like the story mabeha tkhali9 now !
    Walaht 3ala lulu o 3abdalla !!
    O aby a3rf sh9ar ma3a 9ali7 !!
    Cant wait for the next post ;D

  5. Akeeeeed we love ur story ur posts mo 9ij ur an amazing writer w we really miss ur posts, finish it whenever u feel like it ya3ni when it makes sense to end :p w kil shy minnich 7ilo ;*

    w kil 3am w enty b5air inshalla sinat 5air 3alaich


  6. waaay i missed you;p
    akeed we dont want blind love to end very quickly... i love it il story 7addha 3ajeeba bs ily katbat'ha a3jab;p and akeed we are up for a new story from one of the best bloggers;D
    love ya;*
    post soon pweeez;p

  7. welcome back..again! hehe;p I love love love love justin bieber, and pray!! BS I don't get why everyone hates him :'( Anyways pllleaasseee post soon! I love the story blind love, wallah it's amazing I want to know the end! But don't make it a short story ;$ And a new story after that would be great! love you ;**

    end it whenever you want bs lat6awleeen:( IM LOVING THE STORY!

  9. Heyy!
    i love your blog!
    i don't want blind love to end:( i love it! its so good!:D
    please post soon! xx

  10. My Prince Charming:

    We missed u ;(
    I really miss u!!
    Welcome back!!!
    Let blind love end in part 60 ;p good?
    AND yes we want a story from your amazing mind mashallah
    post soon
    love u take care;**

  11. Anon: Thanks ;* enshalla one new story coming up after this one ;)

    Exposed Insanity: Bellaaa <3 Ajma3een enshala *hug* this year i'm going to try really hard to post as much as i can ;D

    -L : 7abeebty mashkoora ;* el7imdella life is good (y) Love u more sweety ;*

    caramela: enshala it won't end right away oo i'll write more about lulu and 3bdalla <3 shfee 9ali7? :S even I the writer forgot ;$ a5er shay he was with 3bdala going out oo they'll be back for lunch with 9ali7's family am i right? ;P hahaha next post will be clearer enshala

    -Jo: Thanks for those sweet words Jo it's really up lifting to read that ;* itha 3ala mazajy a5af mat5al9 ilstory ;P but i'm psyched about the new story ;P ajma3eeen *hug*!

    Noona: mu kthrrryy!! waayed i missed the blog world oo my amazing readers ;**!! enshala hal sena i'll try to post more often ;p waaay kalamich 7adda up lifting ;D mashkoora walla words like urs make my day :D love ya right back :* enshala i'll post 2night ;)

    Dreamer: Thanks hun ;D Loooooool That makes the two of us ;P bas i'm into his songs more than him ;P haters will hate :S enshala ASAP u'll get the next post ;) love u more ;*

    Anon: :D :P 3asa doom u love the story ;P enshala i'll post soon ;*

    Anon: loooool it loves right back bas it has to end sometime :( don't worry it's not right away we've got more time with the characters ;P enshala the up coming post is 2night ;P

    My Prince charming: I missed u too!! ;( thanks love ;* sounds good ;P enshala i'll try my very best to end it around part 60 ;P hahahahaha afa 3alaich enshala the next story itkoon a7la ;P love u more take care love ;**

    LOVE U ALL ;****

  12. My Prince Charming:

    Part 60 sounds like a good place to end blind love, bs we don't want there to be three months in between kl post :(
    plz post sooon xxx
