2nd post as promised ;) Enjoy it...
Warning!!!: SHORT POST AHEAD!...
Hubba Hubba this one's for you ;)
“I can’t go 2mrw,”
“laish?” both 9ali7 and 3bdala asked confused
“i have plans with joury i just can’t”
and that’s when i get heads bobbing and looks telling me to encourage Lulu to go....but I NEED HER :’(
“ee that’s right”
9ali7 stood up furious , if it wasn’t for 3bdala who held his arm calmly pulling him back to his seat...
“*sigh*Lulu u should go and have fun” I got up from my chair upset and was about to leave when i heard her say
“mu mn9ijich 7adii mani ray7a”
Both boys gave me a look that forced me into encouraging Lulu to go...
yup...all the way to london the day before my engagement!! yaaaay me :) that sounds like fun :)...
“lulu roo7aay estansay! i don’t need u here lat7ateen we’ll make other plans, oo ba3dain lama trj3een we’ll celebrate!”
“la shno aroo7 o a5leech!”
“la aah” i looked back at 9ali7 and 3bdala not knowing what to say...I HAVE NO ROLE anymore how do i fit in in all this?! They're going ahead with the plan withOUT me! I don't even know what i'm suppose to say anymore!
“btyeey warana ba3ad cham yom” 9ali7 said
then i saw 3bdala hand me my travelling papers....looks like i’m going to london 4 days from now...interestingly this means i still have a role in all this..
3bdala got closer to my ear as he whispered..
“madrii laish 9ali7 a9ar ench tyeen ba3adna bcham yom wela ana kent nawy eni a7jzlich weyana, bas 3al itfagna mako shay t‘3ayar”
“enshala” guess 9ali7 knew i couldn’t travel 2mrw...
“See I’m coming in a few days!”
“No buts!!! Lulu! We’re going to london!!!!” i faked my enthusiasm
“JOURY!” she said upset
“Lulu shfeech?”
“shffeeecch bsmlaaa”
“entay elly shfeech?!!”
“shwaaya bakalmha broo7ha”
as i saw 3bdala and 9ali7 leave...
“ are they gone?”
“ee, shoofay if ur not going because i’m getting engaged then there’s no need for that, walla i’ll be fine and plus u have to go, tara az3l trthain”
“Joury adrii shkthr tabeeni ogaf weyach 9arlich sboo3 t7neen fouq rasi fa mani ray7aa bacher aroo7 london weyach”
“chena may9eer”
“mno gal?”
“anaa, lulu btroo7een ya3nii btroo7een now where’s that smile you’re hiding?”
“*giggle* walla joury just say the word and i’ll wait for u, we’ll go together”
She’s waited long enough for this to happen,
“you’re not waiting, ur going...SHE’S GOING!”
“haa! i didn’t say that”
“you’re going!”
“okay bsmla”
she looked so cute emtan7a matadrii shtswii
“5ala9 mwafqa?”
“ee *shy*”
“a5eeran ma9arat!”
i smiled something finally is going to change, lulu might get back what she lost...her sight..
I’m not sure what i’m going to do by myself but i’m sure i can handle it...i mean it’s just a meet and greet thing right...
i began to feel down again...she’s going when i want her by my side and i can’t understand why they did this! everything was perfect...
so i grabbed 9ali7’s arm frustrated demanding to know the reason for bumping it up a couple of weeks earlier!
“shsalfatkom! el7een mtafqeen ba3ad sboo3ain oo faj2a it‘3ayroon kilshay?!!”
“shfeeha itha ‘3airna *indifferent tone*”
“You Know Why!” I said frustrated...
“ga9ray 7isch!”
“waaaaay 9ali7 itnarfz! ya3nii malgait ela bacher”
“enshala etfakreen bLulu!”
“shako?!!! magilt shay bas i need her here with me!”
“ildctor mash‘3ool oo maligaina maw3d ela hal isboo3!”
"mta maw3dha?"
"ba3ad arba3 ayam..." I gave him a look 4 days! she could still make it to my engagement and to her appointment!
"lata36eenii hal na'6ra, hathi taw9yat eldctor.. lazm tkoon mrta7a oo fahma shelli b9eer mabii a9dmha blmawthoo3 faj2a "
“ugh! *storming out*” right as i took my third step i felt him grab my arm roughly and swung me to face him..
“latg3deen it3amleenii chithy la wala awreech shay mashftee!”
I’m HORMONAL what’s his excuse?!
he let go as i stood there a bit taken back...i’ve done nothing wrong!..have i?