Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blind love 57

2nd post as promised and just a heads up it's a long one ;P

this one goes out to 2 readers..

Amal.q6r and Madliar :P

I'll try posting 2mrw night as well but it's not a sure thing ;P

enjoy ;*



3 hours after take-off...

so i might as well admit that seeing Jasim isn’t entirely ruining my trip with Hind so far...

seems like he’s matured a bit...and by a bit i mean a teeny tiny itsy bitsy micro nano bit...

after listening to his unending macho talk about his survival skills I put my earphones on pretending i was falling asleep...

which kind of worked, i couldn’t take one more hour of conversation with him!

Hind sorta felt bad so she kept chatting with him...i just can’t stand the man he’s so obnoxious!

though he seemed to be a better person now i kept getting flashbacks of high school and Him! i just couldn’t handle it...

i had this weird feeling like they were talking about me...which most likely they were since nothing seemed as interesting as reliving the old glory days of highschool...

after a while i turned off my iPod smoothly without anyone sensing it so i could hear their conversations...

“*chuckle* Jinan kanat akthar wa7da et5af mn el‘6alma...athkr bachait’ha yom 7bast’ha bl-lab”

“ambai! the day we dissected the frogs! That was you!!! 7aram 3alaik! tadree magdrat etnam for a week!”

And now i get that back in my head! Thank you jasim!

I cringe at the memories that involved that man...

The fact that he trapped me in a dark lab with Dead dissected frogs, a cabinet full of pinned insects and disgusting mouse traps under tables and cabinets says it all...

Then of all people HIND decideds to bring up the swimming pool incident! why? i mean Why would she do that?!!

He chuckled “walla ayam 7lwa”

ayam 7lwa my bucket! he Dared me to walk into the locked restricted swimming pool area and steal the stupid penguin mascot, which i almost got away with if that jerk didn’t suddenly show up in the middle of my stunt, Mn el5ar3a i tripped right into the pool with the damn mascot!!!!


then he decided to bring up the time he switched my pens to the exploding type u get at any joke store.



I could hear 6alal’s chuckles, he’s starting to getting on my nerves,

“Oh my god!, remember the gum prank u pulled!”

“*chuckle* maskeenaa”

That man should be put in jail, locked up for the crimes he committed, not one week in high school would go smoothly because of that jerk!

The fact that he messed with my hair pissed me off like crazy! why would any sane person even think about ruining a girls hair?!

i chopped off my hair and went for a short pixie cut that framed my face, i might as well admit i loved my new haircut, but i hated the reason behind it!

There were times where Jasim and I worked as a team, Rare occasions and we’d pull off legendary pranks that’ll last a decade..

Of course most of the time Jasim would frame something on me and let’s just say Dad wasn’t proud...he wouldn’t take my word, after all,everyone assumed Jassim and I were best friends if only they knew the truth...

i bet enemies have it easier than my relationship with this unbearable creature!

5 mnts later everything settled down and it was silent...i was just about to fall asleep for real when i heard a roar of laughter which sorta made me jump from my place...

I saw him holding his Ipad showing Hind something off of it.

little did i realize it was a video of the stunts we pulled together in high school!!

“ambai u guys were crazy together!”

“bas hal video elli 3indi elli magdar asweela delete la7gay 3ala wayh Jinan lama elnathra dashat 3alaina w7na shayleen elakl mn elcafteria”

she laughed so hard. my face is not that..okay whatever shakli 3abee6 bas it’s ancient history he should delete all evidence of our crimes together!

“ga3adtch? *smirk*”

what in gods name is wrong with this guy...I think he’s severely troubled..

“no it must’ve been the beam of light reflected off your bald head!” i said defensively as i rolled to the other side giving him my back..

“jinan! *whisper*”

“he started it! *looking back at jasim*” he had a faint smile while 6alal tried to hold back his least 6alal seemed to find it funny...

“you called the man bald! *whisper*”

“yeah? your point??”

“you don’t go calling a man bald, it’s like calling a girl...fat or worse, old!..”

“again, your point?”

“elmshkla ench matgdreen itfargeen bain wa7d emgar3 oo wa7d em9al3..7imday rabich enich 7lwa”

ennii 7lwa?! like beauty is all i have going for me?! ugh! see this is what i mean, he disrespects me and sorta flatters me at the same time it’s so annoying!

“tomato potato both veggies”



“dude you just proved his point”

“i know i just wanted to shut him you were saying??”

“...never mind you’re hopeless”

“i can live with that, can you?”

“huh? *confused*”

“hun, hate to break it to you, but you’re just as hopeless as i am *smirk*”

“i don’t like this Jinan *analyzing me with her eyes*...Jasim is really rubbing off on ya”

“*rolling eyes*Hell to the no!, that man has nothing on me ”

Crap, she does make a point...I’m sounding and acting just like that twerp...

That’s it!!! as soon as we get to london we’re going our way and he’s going his way!!!...

“ay otail 7ajzeen?”

i gave hind a stare and replied cooly..

“m7na sakneen ib otail”

“ha 3ayal? shqa?”

“la2” i like how i’m slowly getting on his nerves with my answers...

“e7na ibnaskn ib shqat 5alii 9ob... ” i interpeted

“a grown man crashing at his uncles apartment instead of staying in a hotel that just says it all..”

“3aib jinan! that was so uncalled for and extremely rude of u! i’ve never seen you behave this way! get it together and apologize! *whispering to me in anger*”

“*chuckle* he’s not just my uncle you know”

“does it look like i care? *he looked away while Hind gave me a look*...*muffled rumble*”

he smiled softly...

“3eeday 3eeday masma3t”

“I’m..*muffled rumble *” he squinted his eyes pretending he didn’t hear me...

“I said i’m sorry!”

“agool laish wayhich m3tfs...kil hatha 3ashan t3tathrain?”

“malik sh’3l!”

hours passed as i tolerated him and his weird sense of humor in torturing me throughout the flight just like old times, until i heard the reassuring voice of the stewardess announcing that we’re about to land!


2 days later....

At harrods...

speak of the devil...

what ever happened to NEVER?!!!..

“Jasim!” Hind yelled in excitement...

i quickly pressed my hand against her mouth and pulled her behinds some racks of clothes..

yanaiitay?!!! do u not understand the concept of not ”

“*clearing throught*”

i could feel a cold shiver crawl up my spine...