Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Blind Love 45

I'm not feeling great... :(

enjoy ;* i'll post sometime this year hopefully ; /



i walked behind my aunt down the stairs as 9ali7 walked behind me...I kept looking back making sure he won’t do anything...

3bdalla was holding lulu guiding her to the dinning table as he greeted us..

“Hala Joury shlonich?”

“b5air il7mdela ent shlonk?”

“tamam...9wali7 kil hatha 3ashan tyeeb shay?”

“walaih btg3d it7asbnee mthl omy?*looking at his mom with a smile*”

we laughed as we took our seats..

i was next to lulu and 9ali7 was next to 3bdala...

i was facing 9ali7 and 3bdala was facing lulu.. my aunt was at the head of the table making sure we tried and tasted everything...

my stomach was doing backflips...each time i look up he would give me a look that shakes me to the core!

he’s messing with my head...




“i’m sorry? *whisper*”

“9ali7 is going to throw me in the pool i think...i like my outfit lulu *pout**whisper*”

“la maysaweeha...i hope not at least *whisper*”

“laa he’s been giving me looks...maybe if u talk to him? he listens to you *whisper*”

“i’ll try..*whisper*”

“look i want u to distract him as soon as he’s done with lunch...i’m going to call the driver ig6nee ilbait ok? *whisper*”

“*giggle* he’s faster you know? *whisper*”

“la la i can do this...oo ba3dain if anyones getting thrown into the pool it’s 9ali7 *whisper*”

“*giggle*keep dreaming...i told you not to go to his stash *whisper*”

“now’s not the time for that *pout**whisper*”

“ha?! 3aib titsasroon mu chithy yuma?”

“ee hatha il9a7 yuma”

3bdala was laughing...

we talked and 3bdallaa had a convo with my aunt about work and the family...

I actually enjoyed lunch..i would’ve enjoyed it alot more if i didn’t know what was coming next...

“yuma? dam kilna mtyam3een 3indy shay agoola” i looked up at him...he looked serious this time no games nothing...

I knew whatever he was going to was vital.

“gool sh3indk yuma?”

“w9alnee offer mn sharika fi almania...man9ib mudeer il3am oo ilratb”

“you’re leaving?!*shock*”

i could actually feel my heart slowing..and lulu is close to crying i know her too well..

“mta?!” i asked

“5loonee at7cha ya jma3a” the whole time he would glance my way for a split moment...


“la la latkaml mnt imsafr lo ilratb ratb sna! mnt msafr 3anee”

“yuma..bakaml kalamee ba3dain ilkl igool illy 3inda”

we were all silent...3bdala looked as if he knew about this..

“ilmukan wayed zain oo ilratb ba3ad a7san...yuma illy aswee ib 4 ash’hr ihnee aswee ib sh’har hnak...‘3air hatha itha intaha il3aqd bainee oo bain hal sharika agdar asht’3l ib ay sharika abeeha...”

“fkrat enk tsafer wt5aleena ensaa”

“ana mawafaqt...ana yay abl‘3kom ena i7tmal i9eer”

“matsma3 shagoolk? shlon tabeenee artha wldy ilwa7eed ysht’3l ibdeera b3eeeda 3any?”

“btwafqeen l2nch omy oo tabeen ma9la7ty”

she was close to crying...i was just quiet starring at the rice.

he got up kissed his mom...

“3an ildala3...3indy sboo3ain gabl ma rid 3alaihm”

“9al ist5ara yuma”

“oo deerbalik itha btroo7 *tearing up*”

“tamreen yal ‘3aliaa”

“3aaad shoof ana abeek ityeeblee kakaw mu takshit feenee”

“7athreen kakaw ba3ad ila5 mayfakr ila bl akl”

i knew they were saying things or something...madree i wasn’t really with what 9ali7 and 3bdala were saying to each other after that..

i was just wondering how things would be with him being in long will he be gone? and when is he coming back?

“ha joury? tamreenee 3ala shay?”

i looked up surprised..


“*chuckle* tamreen 3ala shay?”

“*shaking my head* i7m..salamtk”

“alla isalmich *confused with cross brows*”

i looked away..i don’t why i feel so empty now...i mean it’s 9ali7

he’s the brother i never had...

what would i do without him?

“mta btsafer?” i asked quietly

“layl7een mawafqt joury *soft smile*”




“mn sna ila thalath sneen”


“ee joury shfeech akeed barja3 lkm”

“i’m just asking the questions everyone wants to know*defensive*”

“*chuckle* ask away”

“btolah 3alay adreee *confident*”

“akeeed entay akthar wa7da a9lan bas layo9al 3ind a7ad”

she giggled

“alla e5aleekom 7aq ba3ath”

“w5aleeek lee...”


i knew he was strong but i didn’t know he was strong enough to actually live abroad...away from

i got up and headed to the bathroom...I needed to breathe...

just the picture of not having him around for the next year or’s not..well it wont be the same anymore without him...

i sat on the bathroom seat and just stared at the wall...

why am i freaking out? it’s a great opportunity for’s something he worked hard for...

this is something he wants i should at least be supportive and not go into a midlife crisis just because he’ll be gone..

whatever i’m feeling isn’t just isn’t...I think..well maybe the reason i’m freaking out is because i..

Knock Knock knock


“ *short gasp* aah..degeega wa6la3”


i took a deep breath... he interrupted my thoughts but i’m grateful he did...


it’s just because he’s leaving ,you idiot!..he’s your...your shoulder...that’s all!! He’ll be back...he’ll be back!

i got up took another deep breath looked myself in the mirror and wiped the single tear falling down my cheek...

Nearly all the best things in life come unexpected...maybe this is a good thing.

i walked out of the bathroom and walked back to him...they were sitting in the living room waiting for me to have desert.

“martha nakl bdoonich”

a smile crept up his face as i looked back at him with a smile..


9ali7 couldn’t handle being around Joury and pretending that he wasn’t in pain...he tried his best to believe this isn’t the joury he loves...nor the person he wants...nor the woman he needs...but

this is the joury he loves,wants and needs and while all that is great soon she’ll begin a life with her new husband ...her soon-to-be fiance...her love...saif he thought disgustingly...

everything about that man disgusted him...from the fact that he stole his love’s heart and about to actually make her his wife to the fact that he was a friend that betrayed what a friend is supposed to be and disrespected him in every way possible...

he couldn’t handle it’s not easy seeing someone you care for so deeply become someone else’s.

therefore he was glad and relieved to consider a job abroad..away from it all..

away from joury and saif, away from the constant pain, away from the reality he’s been going through...

just away...but will that heal him? he prayed

the only reason he’s okay with letting go of joury is the fact that she’s in love with saif and saif loves her back...

she doesn’t see him the way he wants her to...and that killed him.

he’s not stupid enough to cause drama to a perfectly happy soon to be man and wife...unless he knew there was something that prevented them..well joury from being happy with saif.


“I need lulu and joury i missed them *upset*”

“me too!! klaab mys2loon!”

“ee walla!I’m calling them over!”

“ee we could use their help!”

“ugh i just can’t wait till i’m finally free again and no more blossom to worry about!”

“ohhh don’t worry you will be.. they’ll be sorry for being so distant these last few days and blossom is a done deal he’ll be gone before you know it *twirl*”

“ameeeeeen and surprisingly it’s fun messing with someone..we’re going to the dark side you realize that?”

“baby we are the definition of the dark side”

“glad to know it *nod*”

The girls kept laughing trying to ease things as their attempts to drive away blossom hasn’t been as successful as they hoped...bubbles focused on keeping buttercup cheerful and hopeful.

secretly buttercup is worried over what fate has for her with blossom...she knows this most likely won’t work since he hasn’t picked up on anything they’re sending...

buttercup grabbed her phone and dialed joury’s number...