This goes out to whoever comments ;)
ID mama i love u ;***
“going for the world record?!”
“ma9arat 7amaam!” Joury blushed horribly
“6a3 ilwayh! Yaa3nee mista7yaa….*giggle*”
“Hay! 7addich 3alaiha!”
“machinich intay ilbadya”
“intay illy imkabraa ilmawthoo3! Hathy Joury! Shabeehti :D”
“shlon balaa?? Itgarneen hal gomar*gesturing at Joury* ib hal juker?!*gesturing at Jinan*”
Joury was still standing as the girls kept it up…what she heard in the bathroom kept replaying in her head..
“gi3day Jour”
“hmm? Oh * nervous giggle as she blushed*” she sat down next to 9ali7…he laid his arm on the back of her chair and turned slowly to look at Saif with a smirk…
He was marking his territory…Saif was boiling…that’s his Joury…HIS AND HIS ALONE!...why the hell does he have his arm around her! around her chair!! Anyone who sees that might think that they’re together he thought frustrated.
“chub zain! Ana Jakara?!! Bas manee imkalmitich…OO yes! Shabeehttee! I’m an only child!! She’s an only child!!...we have parents who travel most of the time…we share the same intials!!…oh and one more thing…WE HAVE A BUTTHEAD FOR A FRIEND! *gesturing towards hind*”
“ana butthead ya 7maraaa?!! Ok inshoof mino bisafer weyach?!”
“*gasp!* ya kalbaa!! Min9ijich?!!” placing her hand over her hurt
“la yal hablaa! Ma saweeha feech ba3dain ana mu di3laa!”
“my god! Intaw mu 9ij!*giggle*”
“laaaaaah…ya3nee mino?”
“you go girl!!” she forced Lulu into a high five with her as lulu laughed with them.
“you remember I told you inny imsafra Europe…”
“yeah I know when you asked me if I could come with you”
“la7tha la7tha? Hatha mita?”
“this morning gabel il parasailing”
“I know I told her I can’t…”
“the offer still stands…walaaa abeekom weyaay!! Shbasawii bidonkom hnak?!!”
They giggled as she pouts…
“oo i7na? mata3zimeen?”
“ha?*overwhelmed*…9ij?! Ya3nee if I asked… you guys would agree?”
“laaaa 9alooo7 tikfaa!! I7na weekend oo mu gadreen 3alaihom”
They laughed and lulu giggled wondering if she was a burden to him.
They ordered and waited for their food…
“OH!! *clapping happily* Joury! Lulu and Hanood! Tonight’s girls movie night…emm *looking at the boys* you’re welcome if you want but! Were watching romantic movies! Or whatever movie we want and you can’t say anything about it!”
“Jinan 5aleeha bacher…Joury mash’3oola ilayla” Joury looked at him confused..
‘3areeba masi2lat ib shino he thought looking at jinan with a grin.
The food arrived…
“ha jinan? Magiltay shino binsaweee”
“any day now”
“chub! So I was thinking if”
“NOTHING INVOLVING WATER!!!” Joury almost yelled.
“hehehheehe…well not exactly…tadroon what I miss??”
“that’s the dumbest idea yet…wai3 tadreen ilmokan mu 7ilo!”
“laa jinan waina oo wain skating…ba3dain ilmukan kila shabaab”
“may5alif!! Abeeeeee!! Mu shar6 ice-skating!! Roller skates!! Mineee!!”
“alaaaaaaaaaaaa!!ok now I’m in!!!”
“wanasa around the resort!!! Shoof ilafkaar il7ilwa 9ali7!! Ta3laam mu kilshay lazem wateractivities!”
He laughed…
“5ala9 il7een ashoof Jessie”
He called and made the arrangements…
“3ala ilma’3rib….in9alee oo nistilmhom min il reception”
They ate and left heading for the chalet…
They prayed 9alat il3a9er and were hanging out…while Joury told them what 9ali7 had planned…
They were all so excited
“a5eeeraaaaaaaan!! Ee ti3limaay fashalteeena!”
“shako?! Ana illy ma a3rf ,wala intaw?”
“ana ba5lee 9ali7 ihdich fil may”
“haw?!! Lat5ar3eeeeeeneee!!”
They laughed
“shino illy maytha7ik”
“weelee 3afeek 9ali7 hidhaa bil pool oo 5alha ta’3rig” he looked at Joury and back at them and chuckled
“e9eer 5air…tamreen amer”
“SHINO E9EEER 5AIR OO TAMREEEN AMR!! MU 9A7EEE!! YUBA TADREE SHLON MANEEE RAY7A!!” she ran away shutting the door of her bedroom behind her.
“OO LATGOOL MA GILTLIK!!” she muffled behind her shut door.
They were all laughing…
He knocked softly…no answer…he knocked again and again no answer
She opened the door slightly and plopped her head out..
“na3am?…tabeenee asa3idik ibshay? Ba’3ait shay??” she said looking up at him
He held back his laugh…all he could see was her floating head popping out looking up and up and up at him…
“abeech intay”
She blushed….
She could hear they’re muffled giggles
She gave them a cold stare…they laughed….
"7adkom 3alaiha! ma3alaich Jour!"
She pulled her head back in her room and was about to slam the door shut when he quickly placed his hand on the door holding it firmly open…
“wa5er! Basakra!”
“manee imwa5er”
“kaifik!” she pushed the door but it wouldn’t budge
“latgooleenli ga3d it7awleen itsakreeenaa *smirk*...”
“I…WI..LL” she said in between breaths…trying to close the door…it moved slightly but it was useless.
“yalaa sakray ilbab Jour *smirk*”
“ugh!! WA5ER!!” he quickly moved away as she lost balance slamming the door SO HARD!!
He could hear a thud behind the door…
He felt guilty but couldn’t help but laugh… they were all laughing…
“Joury?” he asked behind the door…
“na3am!?!” she gasped
“ee reday! 5ara3teneee”
9ali7 turned to give Jinan a cold stare…
“now what did I ever do to him?!*pout*”
“ma3alaich mina! Men will be men!!”
They hugged
"what did he do?"
"he gave her a cold stare"
“9ali7! Martha 3ala Jinan!”
“il7een ana gilt shay? 6agait’haa?”
“6AGAIT’HA?!!” she quickly jumped from behind the door…
“OFFF! Mino 6ag mino?!! Ana awreekom fee!” 3bdala entered the living room looking buff walking towards 9ali7 in a manly way…
“la7tha la7tha!! Ma madait eedeee!! Shfeeekooom!?!!* Defensive role*”
“Jinan mad eda 3alaich? *smirk and wink*”
“int 7maar tista3b6?!...akeeed mara7 amid eedee 3alaiha!!”
Jinan was laughing so hard…
She looked up at 3bdalaa and Nodded!!
“anaaa ba3ad!!!”
“intay ba3ad shino?!!!”
“6agaitneee!!! *pouting*”
“laa intaw sharbeen shay”
They all laughed as 9ali7 shook his head in disbelief.
Joury was standing behind him…he turned and she jumped up slightly.
He smiled motioning his head for her to follow him….they all headed to the reception.
As they entered hinds eyes landed on his…with his brother.
“kill me now…shoot me..Jinan shoot me now!” he saw her didn’t smile didn’t stare just saw her while his younger brother was pulling on his arm pointing at hind.
He bent down to his brothers level and talked to him in a soft low voice…after his talk his brother stopped pulling or fussing on his brother about hind.
They were near the reception desk…he held his brothers hand and walked by hind not before getting another glance at her.
She was tense staring hard on the floor.
Jinan bumped her shoulder against hers…
“3alaina?? Mista7ya?? *laughing* looover booy :D”
“la2! Shako mista7ya!? *acting confident*”
“mmmhm *raised eye brow*”
They all sat round one of the couches and got their roller skates on…
Lulu and Joury were together…the others on their own…the skated all over the place…having the time of their lives…
Jinan challenged Hind on a race around the resort…and knowing hind she didn’t back down.
They fled from the rest of them flying past the people in skates…they turned the curb when suddenly a familiar face suddenly appeared.
Hind ran into him pulling Jinan in with her…he tried his best not to tumble over but couldn’t
And so Hind ,Jinan and Jara7 all fell on top of each other.
A stranger rushed over to help them while the girls were turning into deep red plums.
The stranger helped Jinan first…held her arm and pulled her up while her legs danced from under her as she tried to regain her balance.
She held his shirt right near his shoulder and he held her firmly but delicately by the small of her back near her waist.
“t3awartay?” Jinan looked up at him…his face…one word Breathe taking…
But his voice it was familiar…why is it so familiar she wondered…she placed her hand on her forehead and shook her head slightly clearing her head when she felt his hand on her face.
“rasich i3awrich?? It7seen ibdo5a?”
She shook her head as her eyes got lost in his chocolate brown eyes…she looked down and saw that Jara7 and Hind were still on the ground…she looked up at him again…his eyes still on her as if they weren’t there.
“mafeenee shay *blushing horribly*”
“ya 7mara!! Sa3deenee!!” hind’s eyes then landed on the HOTTIE with Jinan that’s when she bit her lip wishing she was a little more graceful.
“7abeebty sa3deenee!!” she said
The hottie had a smirk on his face…while Jinan was looking at her weirdly.
Jara7 jumped up to his feet and pulled Hind up with him.
“ha? 3asa masher”
“ma shar”
“asfeeen” Jinan spoke
She looked back at the stranger and thanked him…his face was familiar wasn’t it?? She thought
“god I think I died and went to heaven…give me a piece of that…mmmm Eye candy!!” Hind whispered in delight
“i7mmm” they both turned to face Jara7 who seemed ticked off by the stranger who easily got the girls drooling for him.
“5ala9 3ayal a5aleekom…*turning to face jinan* 7i6ay balich mara thanya …hathee thanee mara it6ee7een feeha”
“Oh!! You’re the guy who helped me gabel!!”
He chuckled and walked away and she was left gazing at him as he disappeared…
“dashaytay feenee”
“haw?! Gitlik asfa! Int illy faj2a 6ila3t ibwayhee!”
“ya3nee ana il’3al6an? *tilted his head*”
“’3al6an oo ni9!” he laughed as he brushed the dirt from his pants
“ta3alay! U pulled me with u!! why the hell did you do that?!”
“it happened!! Waaay!! Gitlkom asfaa!!”
She laughed as she fixed herself up.
“ha? Jinan?? Mu gal ildictor”
“I know I know!! But I’m all good now” she smiled victoriously as she did a 360 turn in her skates to show him.
He chuckled shaking his head…
Jinan’s phone kept vibrating all day.
She decided to open it…
3 msgs from stalker creep
oh great here we go again she thought...
I Know You Too Well..
I know you too well..
I know everything about you..
I know your worst enemy..
I know your best friend..
I know how much you care about your family..
I know h...
9 years ago