Monday, March 29, 2010

Blind Love 24

This goes out to whoever comments ;)
ID mama i love u ;***

“going for the world record?!”
“ma9arat 7amaam!” Joury blushed horribly
“6a3 ilwayh! Yaa3nee mista7yaa….*giggle*”
“Hay! 7addich 3alaiha!”
“machinich intay ilbadya”
“intay illy imkabraa ilmawthoo3! Hathy Joury! Shabeehti :D”
“shlon balaa?? Itgarneen hal gomar*gesturing at Joury* ib hal juker?!*gesturing at Jinan*”

Joury was still standing as the girls kept it up…what she heard in the bathroom kept replaying in her head..

“gi3day Jour”
“hmm? Oh * nervous giggle as she blushed*” she sat down next to 9ali7…he laid his arm on the back of her chair and turned slowly to look at Saif with a smirk…

He was marking his territory…Saif was boiling…that’s his Joury…HIS AND HIS ALONE!...why the hell does he have his arm around her! around her chair!! Anyone who sees that might think that they’re together he thought frustrated.

“chub zain! Ana Jakara?!! Bas manee imkalmitich…OO yes! Shabeehttee! I’m an only child!! She’s an only child!!...we have parents who travel most of the time…we share the same intials!!…oh and one more thing…WE HAVE A BUTTHEAD FOR A FRIEND! *gesturing towards hind*”

“ana butthead ya 7maraaa?!! Ok inshoof mino bisafer weyach?!”
“*gasp!* ya kalbaa!! Min9ijich?!!” placing her hand over her hurt
“la yal hablaa! Ma saweeha feech ba3dain ana mu di3laa!”
“my god! Intaw mu 9ij!*giggle*”
“laaaaaah…ya3nee mino?”
“you go girl!!” she forced Lulu into a high five with her as lulu laughed with them.
“you remember I told you inny imsafra Europe…”
“yeah I know when you asked me if I could come with you”
“la7tha la7tha? Hatha mita?”
this morning gabel il parasailing”
“I know I told her I can’t…”
“the offer still stands…walaaa abeekom weyaay!! Shbasawii bidonkom hnak?!!”
They giggled as she pouts…
“oo i7na? mata3zimeen?”
“ha?*overwhelmed*…9ij?! Ya3nee if I asked… you guys would agree?”
“laaaa 9alooo7 tikfaa!! I7na weekend oo mu gadreen 3alaihom”

They laughed and lulu giggled wondering if she was a burden to him.

They ordered and waited for their food…

“OH!! *clapping happily* Joury! Lulu and Hanood! Tonight’s girls movie night…emm *looking at the boys* you’re welcome if you want but! Were watching romantic movies! Or whatever movie we want and you can’t say anything about it!”

“Jinan 5aleeha bacher…Joury mash’3oola ilayla” Joury looked at him confused..


‘3areeba masi2lat ib shino he thought looking at jinan with a grin.
The food arrived…
“ha jinan? Magiltay shino binsaweee”
“any day now”
“chub! So I was thinking if”
“NOTHING INVOLVING WATER!!!” Joury almost yelled.
“hehehheehe…well not exactly…tadroon what I miss??”
“that’s the dumbest idea yet…wai3 tadreen ilmokan mu 7ilo!”
“laa jinan waina oo wain skating…ba3dain ilmukan kila shabaab”
“may5alif!! Abeeeeee!! Mu shar6 ice-skating!! Roller skates!! Mineee!!”
“alaaaaaaaaaaaa!!ok now I’m in!!!”
“wanasa around the resort!!! Shoof ilafkaar il7ilwa 9ali7!! Ta3laam mu kilshay lazem wateractivities!”
He laughed…

“5ala9 il7een ashoof Jessie”

He called and made the arrangements…

3ala ilma’3rib….in9alee oo nistilmhom min il reception”

They ate and left heading for the chalet…

They prayed 9alat il3a9er and were hanging out…while Joury told them what 9ali7 had planned…

They were all so excited
“a5eeeraaaaaaaan!! Ee ti3limaay fashalteeena!”
“shako?! Ana illy ma a3rf ,wala intaw?”
“ana ba5lee 9ali7 ihdich fil may”
“haw?!! Lat5ar3eeeeeeneee!!”
They laughed
“shino illy maytha7ik”
“weelee 3afeek 9ali7 hidhaa bil pool oo 5alha ta’3rig” he looked at Joury and back at them and chuckled
“e9eer 5air…tamreen amer”
“SHINO E9EEER 5AIR OO TAMREEEN AMR!! MU 9A7EEE!! YUBA TADREE SHLON MANEEE RAY7A!!” she ran away shutting the door of her bedroom behind her.
“OO LATGOOL MA GILTLIK!!” she muffled behind her shut door.

They were all laughing…

He knocked softly…no answer…he knocked again and again no answer


She opened the door slightly and plopped her head out..

“na3am?…tabeenee asa3idik ibshay? Ba’3ait shay??” she said looking up at him

He held back his laugh…all he could see was her floating head popping out looking up and up and up at him…
“abeech intay”
She blushed….
She could hear they’re muffled giggles

She gave them a cold stare…they laughed….


"7adkom 3alaiha! ma3alaich Jour!"

She pulled her head back in her room and was about to slam the door shut when he quickly placed his hand on the door holding it firmly open…

“wa5er! Basakra!”
“manee imwa5er”
she pushed the door but it wouldn’t budge
“latgooleenli ga3d it7awleen itsakreeenaa *smirk*...”
“I…WI..LL” she said in between breaths…trying to close the door…it moved slightly but it was useless.
“yalaa sakray ilbab Jour *smirk*”
“ugh!! WA5ER!!” he quickly moved away as she lost balance slamming the door SO HARD!!

He could hear a thud behind the door…

He felt guilty but couldn’t help but laugh… they were all laughing…

“Joury?” he asked behind the door…
she gasped
“ee reday! 5ara3teneee”

9ali7 turned to give Jinan a cold stare…

“now what did I ever do to him?!*pout*”
“ma3alaich mina! Men will be men!!”

They hugged

"what did he do?"
"he gave her a cold stare"

“9ali7! Martha 3ala Jinan!”
“il7een ana gilt shay? 6agait’haa?”
“6AGAIT’HA?!!” she quickly jumped from behind the door…
“OFFF! Mino 6ag mino?!! Ana awreekom fee!” 3bdala entered the living room looking buff walking towards 9ali7 in a manly way…
“la7tha la7tha!! Ma madait eedeee!! Shfeeekooom!?!!* Defensive role*”
“Jinan mad eda 3alaich? *smirk and wink*”
“int 7maar tista3b6?!...akeeed mara7 amid eedee 3alaiha!!”
Jinan was laughing so hard…

She looked up at 3bdalaa and Nodded!!

“anaaa ba3ad!!!”
“intay ba3ad shino?!!!”
“6agaitneee!!! *pouting*”
“laa intaw sharbeen shay”

They all laughed as 9ali7 shook his head in disbelief.

Joury was standing behind him…he turned and she jumped up slightly.

He smiled motioning his head for her to follow him….they all headed to the reception.

As they entered hinds eyes landed on his…with his brother.

kill me now…shoot me..Jinan shoot me now!” he saw her didn’t smile didn’t stare just saw her while his younger brother was pulling on his arm pointing at hind.

He bent down to his brothers level and talked to him in a soft low voice…after his talk his brother stopped pulling or fussing on his brother about hind.

They were near the reception desk…he held his brothers hand and walked by hind not before getting another glance at her.

She was tense staring hard on the floor.

Jinan bumped her shoulder against hers…

“3alaina?? Mista7ya?? *laughing* looover booy :D”
“la2! Shako mista7ya!? *acting confident*”
“mmmhm *raised eye brow*”

They all sat round one of the couches and got their roller skates on…

Lulu and Joury were together…the others on their own…the skated all over the place…having the time of their lives…

Jinan challenged Hind on a race around the resort…and knowing hind she didn’t back down.


They fled from the rest of them flying past the people in skates…they turned the curb when suddenly a familiar face suddenly appeared.

Hind ran into him pulling Jinan in with her…he tried his best not to tumble over but couldn’t

And so Hind ,Jinan and Jara7 all fell on top of each other.

A stranger rushed over to help them while the girls were turning into deep red plums.

The stranger helped Jinan first…held her arm and pulled her up while her legs danced from under her as she tried to regain her balance.

She held his shirt right near his shoulder and he held her firmly but delicately by the small of her back near her waist.

“t3awartay?” Jinan looked up at him…his face…one word Breathe taking…

But his voice it was familiar…why is it so familiar she wondered…she placed her hand on her forehead and shook her head slightly clearing her head when she felt his hand on her face.

“rasich i3awrich?? It7seen ibdo5a?”

She shook her head as her eyes got lost in his chocolate brown eyes…she looked down and saw that Jara7 and Hind were still on the ground…she looked up at him again…his eyes still on her as if they weren’t there.

“mafeenee shay *blushing horribly*”
“ya 7mara!! Sa3deenee!!” hind’s eyes then landed on the HOTTIE with Jinan that’s when she bit her lip wishing she was a little more graceful.
“7abeebty sa3deenee!!” she said

The hottie had a smirk on his face…while Jinan was looking at her weirdly.

Jara7 jumped up to his feet and pulled Hind up with him.

“ha? 3asa masher”
“ma shar”
“asfeeen” Jinan spoke

She looked back at the stranger and thanked him…his face was familiar wasn’t it?? She thought

“god I think I died and went to heaven…give me a piece of that…mmmm Eye candy!!” Hind whispered in delight

“i7mmm” they both turned to face Jara7 who seemed ticked off by the stranger who easily got the girls drooling for him.

“5ala9 3ayal a5aleekom…*turning to face jinan* 7i6ay balich mara thanya …hathee thanee mara it6ee7een feeha”

“Oh!! You’re the guy who helped me gabel!!”

He chuckled and walked away and she was left gazing at him as he disappeared…


“dashaytay feenee
“haw?! Gitlik asfa! Int illy faj2a 6ila3t ibwayhee!”
“ya3nee ana il’3al6an? *tilted his head*”
“’3al6an oo ni9!”
he laughed as he brushed the dirt from his pants
“ta3alay! U pulled me with u!! why the hell did you do that?!”
“it happened!! Waaay!! Gitlkom asfaa!!”

She laughed as she fixed herself up.

“ha? Jinan?? Mu gal ildictor”
“I know I know!! But I’m all good now” she smiled victoriously as she did a 360 turn in her skates to show him.

He chuckled shaking his head…

Jinan’s phone kept vibrating all day.

She decided to open it…

3 msgs from stalker creep

oh great here we go again she thought...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blind Love 23

Isalam 3alaikom 7abaybee shlonkom?!! I Missed u guys hahahhaa....anyway just a reminder guys my stories are all fiction none of them are real or based on true events...
what i write here is all made up...i personally don't approve of dating or anything before marriage...


9ali7 was right behind her and she froze in her place…Saif winked and looked the other way…she had confused feelings…she missed Saif…she missed him a lot… she missed that feeling of being wanted but that look scared her…is he going to tell 9ali7 about her other phone?

No no he would never she thought…

“Joury?” she jumped and he chuckled.
“ha?? walashay..*nervous laugh* sar7ana…digeega” she walked away after placing her purse on the table

He grabbed her wrist.

“wain inshala?”
“*giggle* 9ali7 hidney baroo7 *whisper* il7amam”
“*laugh* roo7ay roo7ay”

Joury thought 9ali7 didn’t see Saif…that he had no clue he was there…in the same place they were…but boy is she wrong…he saw him..he saw everything from the defying look to the wink just from the corner of his eyes… her heart was beating fast praying that this day would end peacefully.

She walked towards the ladies room…she could feel Saif’s eyes on her…she kept walking without glancing his way fearing anyone from her table seeing her do so…

She was almost near the bathroom when he whispered…

“tawa ma nawar ilmukan” her head spun around to find Saif dash in the men’s room.

A smile formed in her face but it soon washed when she saw 9ali7 walking passed her into the men’s room right after Saif…


Please please please be civil!!!!

She dodged into the ladies room forgetting her need to be there anyway and paced around like an idiot…

Crap…what if they hurt each other?!!...AHHHHH!! I can’t hear anything!...i mean if 9ali7 was bashing Saif’s head I would hear it no?

Her heart was still beating furiously…

She stood still focusing on any sound…and just when she was about to give up…she heard His voice…

It was very clear..their voices reached her from the vent…

Saif was in one of the stools and 9ali7 was outside washing his hands…Saif got out ignoring 9ali7 completely, smirking his way to the sink.

9ali7 was about to leave not before he sends him the message he wanted him to memorize

“latgarib minha” he kept walking towards the door when

“illy ibalik 3omra mara7 e9eer *smirk*”

9ali7 looked at him confused but anger was lingering under his skin

“na3am?!!*raised eye brows as if he didn’t care*”

“9ali7 int it3arfeenee 3adel…lama a76 shay ib rasee ayeeba”

9ali7’s hands turned to fists…his jaw clenching…focusing all his might on staying cool.

“*smirk* Joury”

“Ismhaa ma yingal bilsanik! Oo in garabt yamhaa aw kalamt’ha mat loom ila nafsik”

“7i6 balik 9wali7… 3abalik ma adree shilly baink oo bainha?”

9ali7 grabbed him from his collar and pushed him against the wall…

“iltizim i7doodik oo inkalamt’ha oo garabt itshoof shay mashifta ib 7ayatik…”

9ali7 was burning…Saif knew his weakness…

“*smirk* ya3nee a5af?? Minik?” 9ali7 was losing it…but he remained cool..

“*smirk* ” just that smirk turned Saif’s smile around…it made him doubt himself..the confidence in his 9ali7’s smirk was deadly.

He chuckled as he left leaving Saif in a questioning state…does he still have Joury?

6 long minutes later…she was still pacing..did they beat each other up?? I didn’t hear anything she thought..

She popped her head out of the bathroom and saw him…sitting in the seat with the others..laughing…9ali7 was back at the table…nothing seemed wrong with him…

SAAIF?!! She feared…just as her heart was about to stop she saw him at his table ordering the check…

“oh thank god *she sighed*”

She went back in the bathroom and did her business…and walked back to the others.

“going for the world record?!”

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Blind Love 22

DEDICATED TO ALL MY FOLLOWERS AND whoever comments this post is for u ;D love u anons :D :D

Lulu and 3bdallaa walked to the far end of the beach while Jinan and hind were skipping happily like a bunch of little girls…if you saw them you would think that.

That’s what Jinan does…her free spirit makes everyone around her feel that sudden urge to do something wild.

Jinan was skipping softly landing on her good leg while Hind was just goofing off.

Hind did a fares wheel in the sand to show off and stuck her tongue out at Jinan

“HAAY!! NOT FAIR!!! I want to do that too!!” and so she did…
“Shway shway Jinan go easy on that leg of yours”
“what is she doing? *whispering to 3bdala*”

He sighed in delight…her words…her voice just made his heart beat faster…but her giggle was what made him smile feeling like he conquered the world.

But you see Lulu didn’t think of that sigh the way it made him feel…she thought he was tired of always having to tell her what’s happening…she tensed up and felt a cold sharp pain in her palm…

He whispered what happened in front of them….from how the girls were skipping and the grains of sand that jumped off of them to the waves that crashed the shore creating a smooth surface behind as it retreats.

She smiled…didn’t giggle…didn’t show any emotion….His description was so vivid but there was a hint of sadness in her…she’s not going to ask him about things happening around her anymore…she doesn’t want to be the girl that ruined his time at the beach or the one he took pity on.

“mafeenee shay*fake nervous laugh* Jinan?? Jinaan??”
“you need to talk to her?”
“*panting gasping for air* h…hu..na3am 7obee?”
“walk with me” she reached out her free hand to find Jinan and when she did she let go of 3bdalaa.

He was confused with her move but thought she wanted to spend time with her girls…he didn’t think she was backing away…giving him his space.

Jinan walked with Lulu and they started talking normally…well normally for Jinan.

oh oh!!!”
“*giggle* shfeech?”
“*whispering* let’s freak them out okay?”
“shlon? *playing along*”
“there’s a crab yam reelich!”

Jinan was laughing her ass off.

“il7een agoolich let’s freak them out u end up the one scared!!?”
“you said…she said ako crab yam reeleee *pouting!*”
“she said that to me too!!”
“*laughing* I was aiming for hind!!! Lulu I was telling hind that and you thought I was telling you!”
“il7eeen kil hal i9raa5 3ala goobgoob?”
3bdalaa laughed at them
“mako shay walaa*chuckle*…Jinan yabeelich 3igab!”
“*freaked out face* Jay?!!!DON’T EVER DO THAT!! walaaa galbe 6a7 ib ba6neee!! And yes she should be punished!!”
“afaaaaaa!! Ana janoontik…7abeeebat albik!”
“itsaweeen feeni chithy??”
“NEVAAAAAA!” they giggled as Jinan forced herself into a hug with them…
3bdalaa looked at them….

“This is too much for a guy to handle” he laughed

They laughed with him…Jinan let go of Lulu and Hind took over.

Lulu walked with Hind feeling him brushing against her shoulder

A sudden shiver was created where his arm slightly brushed her shoulder.
She tried ignoring that and kept walking in silence…but…that soon ended when his fingers brushed hers.

Does he want me? she thought… but he made me feel like I was bothering him a minute ago…

They kept walking as 3bdala tried to read her…. to find out what’s going on with her…but that’s not the only thing he wanted…


I was in his arm!! I initiated the hug!! Ambaay shfeenee?!! It’s like I’m an emotional reck…I mean this is 9ALI7!!

Did I hug him?? Why am I over-exaggerating it? IT’S JUST A HUG!

I was still in his arms my head resting on his chest feeling his heart beats and his breathing…he smelled so good…I felt like I was getting drunk…losing control…like his scent was my weakness that I never knew about..

I was backing away embarrassed but he held on to me…pulled me closer and tightened his grip.

I felt like he needed a few more minutes but who am I Kidding I never wanted him to let go of me…I just feel…like I’m home.

9ali7 held on to her inhaling her scent...she fit perfectly in his arms…she was the one …the only one who made his heart beat differently…

“Joury?” he whispered still holding her close to him
“hmm?” she answered softly

She remained quiet what did he mean by that?? I mean it’s 9ali7!! She thought.

He felt like he got punched in the gut from the silence…her silence


He thought he should…well….Iragi3 ilsalfa 3ashan 3alaqt’hom…so for the sake of not losing her he twisted his words.

She moved back but they were still in each other’s arms…she looked up at him…

“a7ibich oo a5af 3alayich…intay 7isbat i5tee oo ‘3alach 3indy min ‘3alat 3mee oo 5alty…I never want to see you hurt…itha ayshay 9ar feech intay aw lulu…tadreen shb9eer feenee??”

She shook her head with a faint smile…

So…he just sees me as a sister?...I should be happy shouldn’t I?? Why am I disappointed?? She thought as she kept her eyes on his.

“3ayaraa *wink*” the pain he felt was greater than he imagined…he had the urge to pull her into him…to hold her…have her be his…Kiss her soft pink full lips…but the pain of not having her share his feelings were killing him.

“can I not go?”
He smiled widely at her and shook his head.
“ana weyach Jay…ba3dain ana ta3abt 3ala ma aswee kilshay abeech weyay” how he longed for those last words …those last two words to mean much more….much much more.

“you know you’ll pay for this”
“*chuckle* I know…mat5aleen ilwa7d ib7alaa”
“*giggle* you shouldn’t have messed with me…you know how big my fear is of water!”
“by the way I’m teaching you how to swim…3aib mara shkoobrich mat3arfeen”
“hay! It’s not my fault and…e9eer 5air”
“I will…tonight…I’m calling the reception to book the pool for us”
“9ali7 *giggle* you’re kidding right?”
“do I look like I’m kidding *phone to his ear* Hi…yes…yo Jessie what’s up??...hahahaha…yeah listen I need the private pool tonight…no, the indoor one…I know the weather is good but I need the indoor one for more privacy…my wife?? *confused* oh yeah it’s for me and my wife *wink Joury placed her hands over her mouth holding back her laugh*…great…thanks”

He ended the call and looked at her…

“Oh my god we should really set them straight…hahahhhaa”
“laa mala da3eee ;P” he was enjoying having her as a wife even if it was just make believe…
“you’re crazy”
“kila minich!”
“*gasp!* ana?!! *shocked* masawait shay *innocent eyes batting her eyelashes at him”
“*laughing* yalaa Jay imshay”
She whined a bit but slid her hands in his…he loved that she was comfortable with him…but…is she comfortable having him?
“but mako scary stuff okay?!!”
“hahahaha *side hug* mako itha ana weyach mala da3ee it7ateen”

They walked to where the rest were.

They met the Indian instructor…

“shino shino binsaweee??”
“*laughing* il7een bigoolukom”
“we will be waterskiing”

Joury stepped back until she hit a wall.. a hard warm soft wall she knew too well…

She looked up and saw that she bumbed into 9ali7…she shook her head while he nodded….

“I’ll fall”
“I’ll catch you”
“I’ll drown”
“not on my watch *wink*”
They all got on a speedboat…Joury was slightly shaking…

I’ll drown…I’ll drown…she kept repeating…she started reading mu3awithat and her hand turned into a fist as their instructor drove into the blue.

Lulu was a bit frightened…when you can’t see what’s happening your imagination tends to get the best of you.

“lat5afeen *holding her hand whispering in her ear* we’re just going in…ba3ain the fun will begin”

Hind was noticing that 3bdalaa and Lulu might have something going on between them…was it just her or does 3bdala like Lulu? I mean really like her? she kept her eyes on them…

His hands on Lulu’s…how he calmed her…oh god Lulu don’t get too attached she whispered to herself…he’s an ass if he hurts her!...

Joury’s fists were shaking and hugged her life vest closer…
“*chuckle* you look cute oo intay 5ayfa”
“*sticking tongue out at him* not funny* pouting”
“wisalam galb illy e5afoon”
he Said out loud for Lulu and Joury.
“Lulu 7abeebty sh5ayfa mina??”
“it’s just dark”
“*squeezing her hands* ana weyach” she smiled faintly

Hind and Jinan were fussing over who rides first…

“emm how many can ride at a time??”
“only one…but we can have 2 behind each other”
“WEYACH!!” they pointed at each other...the entire boat uprubted into a laugh.
“haay!! Oo ana??”
“*gasp!* intay luluwatanaaa!! Agi6haaa itha tabeen oo a5thich”
They laughed.
“aya 7maraaa!! Walaa ana illy agi6ich oo a5th Lulu bidoon tafkeeer!! Itqarneen nafsich ib luluwatna!?!” Lulu kept laughing
“chub 7adich tabeenee oo mi7tara”
“ha! A7tar minich? Ha!...ha!”
“shfeech 3alaqtay”
“9aloo7 a5af qa9at”
“malkoom sh’3il ANA ABEE LULU!!”
“oo ANA?!!”
“BABA SHINO AKO?? FEE MOOT?!!” that’s when they all started to laugh hysterically…

Maskeeen he thought someone passed out or died….but the look on his face was price less.
So…they all paired up…Lulu and 3bdalaa…Hind and Jinan after they hugged it out…Joury and 9ali7 were last to ride...

“Joury!! Il7eeen ana weyach!”
“ham mabee *pouting*”
He picked her up.
“AMBAAI!! 9ALI7!!!” they rest of them were laughing
“ya3nee ana abee oo kilhom il3ibaw ta’6lmeenee laish?!!”
He placed her on the board…as there turn started…
“maskich lat7ateeen!!!”
“ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!!”he chuckled as he secured her in his arms.
“*laughing* Jay!!*holding her tighter* nothing will happed”
“don’t let go” he tightened his grip
“chithy a7san?”

She nodded and she blushed…he smiled victoriously feeling like her savior…her hero…her protector...

After they skied on water the driver headed to shore for their next activity…they all got onto the banana :D

“ohmygod!! Il7eeen akeed ba6ee7!! Tara ana wa7eedat omy oo oboy!! Int ishnawy bilthab6?!!”

They laughed as they rode…the girls were up front while the guys were at the back…
So they were…Hind,Jinan,Lulu,Joury,9ali7 and 3abdala.

The man was about to move when
“lat9ari5 3alay *pouting*”
“asfeen yal ‘3alya shfeech?”
“ We have to change our seating positions!!”
“ok…you…you’re going to take care of me? right?”
“ee akeeed”
“ok…but who’s going to take care of Lulu?? A5aaf i6ee7 aw shay!! I can’t swim!!!”
she was slightly shouting
“ok lat7ateen…ana asa3idha…mabaina wayed”
“but..i…you know yimken if it’s just u guys a7san..it7i6balik 3ala Lulu ana bag3ad a9awerkom” her heart was racing…she was taking a lot today and she’s been facing her fears but enough is enough…
“ok…” he was finding a solution...
“OK?!! :D :D”
“la yal habla! Gi3day!”
“*pouting* a7ss I’m going to faint soon”
“smila 3alaich!!don’t say that”
“don’t you think I’ve been strong enough bas 5ala9 I can’t”
“Joury it’s the last thing planned *turninf to face 9ali7*…right? *raised eyebrow at 9ali7*”
He nodded

So they repositioned themselves…

Hind ,Jinan,Joury,9ali7,Lulu and 3bdalaa…the driver took them to sea and they were having a
blast…all of them…yes even Joury…who panicked a few times.

After they’re banana ride they went back to the chalet and took showers to clean up…and went out for lunch…where Joury saw the one person she didn’t want 9ali7 to see.

CRAP! she thought as he stared at her with a smirk and a defying look…nothing good comes from a look like that she thought.